Upper School Blog

Cultivating a Community of Library Supporters

By Jennifer Staple-Clark, Founder and Executive Director

Since our inception in 2017, Slate School has been profoundly supported by the local community. Initially met with skepticism and even comparisons to the traffic impacts of large schools, our vision for a small nature-based, curiosity-driven school faced challenges, and town approval seemed uncertain. However, as we began to connect with our neighbors, their support grew into a powerful force. What started as a handful of concerned individuals soon blossomed into a vibrant community of over 200 passionate advocates. Their unwavering commitment and enthusiasm played a crucial role in our journey, ultimately leading to unanimous approval in 2017 by the town’s Planning & Zoning Commission to build Slate School. Today, Slate School stands as a testament to the power of a collaborative, dedicated community. We have become a model of innovation in K-12 education, and we are continually inspired by both long-time supporters and new friends who join us.

This summer, as we prepared to open our Upper School for Grades 7-12, we began planning our new library. We were excited by the vast selection of inspiring books we anticipated for our students. Our dynamic community now spans from North Haven to around the globe, and we hoped that they'd once again join together to make a significant impact. We curated an Amazon Book Wish List and invited book donations. We’ve been excited to include a book plate in every donated book to commemorate all of these donors who are such important partners in creating our new library.

The response has been truly amazing.  Books have been donated from across the globe, including from those early supporters who believed in Slate School when it was just an idea. We are proud that their book selections and bookplates are now part of our permanent collection. Additionally, we’ve received contributions from students, parents, grandparents, advisors, partners, and even from new friends who recently discovered Slate School through social media and were eager to help. We’ve received more than 250 book donations to date, and more books are donated nearly every day. Donors have shared that they are grateful to select books that speak to them, as they contribute to a new generation of Upper School learners. Our Amazon Book Wish List continues to share the titles that we're hoping to add to our growing curiosity-focused Upper School Library collection.

We are deeply thankful for the generosity and support that continues to shape our library and enrich our school community. Together, we are advancing our shared vision of making curiosity-driven education accessible to all, and creating the change we wish to see in the world