
Join Our Community

Curious. Creative. Thinkers. Collaborators. Tinkerers. Communicators. Joyful Learners.

As Sir Ken Robinson says, "Cultivating creativity is one of the most interesting challenges for any teacher. It involves understanding the real dynamics of creative work...creativity is about fresh's a dynamic process that often involves making new connections, crossing disciplines, and using metaphors and analogies."

At Slate School, intellectually curious students thrive academically and personally. They learn how to think, not what to think. They ask great questions, are driven by their own joyful purpose, and are surrounded by friends living the values of friendship, for others, forgiveness, and gratitude.

Admissions for Fall 2025

Slate School's admissions process is family-focused and highly personalized. Slate School provides a fair and competitive admissions process. To receive admissions updates, please connect with us on this form.

2025-2026 Admissions

Apply now for Lower School Admissions (Grades K-6) or Upper School Admissions (Grades 7-8 for 2025-2026).

Slate Upper School grows by one grade per year, with Grades 7 and 8 in 2025-2026, Grade 9 in 2026-2027, and so on. We will have full enrollment of 160 students in K-12 in Fall 2029. For 2025-2026, we are accepting applications for Grades K-8.

Our admissions process moves along as quickly as possible. When accepted, each admitted applicant’s place in the limited-capacity class is held for three weeks after admission. An enrollment contract and deposit are thereafter due in order to permanently hold a place in the class. The applicant’s space in the class will be held upon receipt of the enrollment contract and deposit. If the enrollment contract and deposit are not received, the applicant’s space cannot be held, and it is possible that another applicant may be accepted who would fill the limited-capacity class.

Application Deadlines: 

  • Rolling Admissions For Limited Remaining Availability. We have a limited number of spaces available in most grades for 2025-2026. Apply today for 2025-2026!

Lower School Application Steps

  • Watch the online virtual tour, and subsequently attend an on-campus Slate School Information Session and Tour, which is a required first step to learn about Slate School. Join Slate School's Head of School for a campus tour and participate in an information session.

  • Apply by submitting the online application and $25 application fee.

    Those applying for financial aid must also submit the FACTS financial aid application concurrently with their student application.

  • Upon review of the written application and recommendation, select parents are invited first for a phone interview, and subsequently select parents are invited for an outdoor interview and discussion. All legal guardians are required to attend these conversations. Children do not join for these meetings

  • Select student applicants are thereafter selected to participate in a mini-Slate School experience, which includes a group meeting with a teacher followed by an academic group activity, as well as free play with peer applicants. We encourage parents to not share with children that they are applying for acceptance at a school, but to instead simply say that they will be participating in a play session.

  • Select students are invited for a 90-minute session on a weekday morning, from 8:30-10:00am, for a one-on-one activity with a teacher, as well as participation in a current Slate School class of students outdoors. We encourage parents to not share with children that they are applying for acceptance at a school, but to instead simply say that they will be playing at a school.

Upper School Application Steps

  • Once you’ve explored Slate School’s website, reach out to join a tour of the campus and hear more about what Slate’s Upper School has to offer you.

  • The application process is designed to help us to know each other better. We want to know the authentic you! Apply!

  • Return to campus for two meaningful conversations.

    Parents/guardians engage in an energetic exchange of ideas about their child and life at Slate School. Prospective students share their interests and learn more about life at Slate School.

  • Selected students join for a 2-hour experience at Slate School.

Upper School Application

Help us to know you.

Parents: Complete online application, submit short answers to questions, and request school records and at least one teacher recommendation. Students may also submit a supplemental recommendation.

Students: Submit short answers to questions and share a piece of work that reflects your unique perspective about something that interests you.

Written applications are reviewed, and select applicants are invited for a student visit, as well as a parent interview.

Upper School application is available here.

Age Requirements for 2025-2026

  • Kindergarten: 5 years old by September 30, 2025

  • Grade 1: 6 years old by September 30, 2025

  • Grade 2: 7 years old by September 30, 2025

  • Grade 3: 8 years old by September 30, 2025

  • Grade 4: 9 years old by September 30, 2025

  • Grade 5: 10 years old by September 30, 2025

  • Grade 6: 11 years old by September 30, 2025

  • Grade 7: 12 years old by September 30, 2025

Exceptions may be made for student applicants who have a birthdate that is close to September 30.

Non-Discrimination Policy

In administering its affairs, Slate School shall stand firmly behind the principle that the admission of students, the employment of staff, the operation of programs, and the governance of the School shall be open to all who are qualified regardless of race, creed, color, national origin, ethnic origin, or sexual orientation, and it believes that this principle is both firmly grounded in the spirit of American democracy and in keeping with the civil responsibilities of an independent school.